Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Portland Cement Clinker is the essential ingredient of Portland Cement. Portland Cement is obtained by grinding Clinker with only minor amounts of a few other minerals, so its composition does not depart far from that of Clinker. Other Cements (i.e. non-Portland Cements, for example pozzolanic Cements, blast furnace slag Cements, limestone Cements and masonry Cements) contain larger amounts of other minerals and have a much wider composition range. Although the other potential ingredients may be cheap natural materials, Clinker is made in an energy-intensive chemical process. Between one and two billion tons a year of Clinker are made world-wide, and the details of its formation are therefore of great economic significance, since no viable alternative ingredients for making Cement-like materials currently exist.
Unlike many other thermal products (e.g. aluminium, pig-iron), Clinker is a fairly complex mixture of different minerals, and so its production depends on a multi-dimensional control of raw materials and a multi-staged heat treatment. It has been likened to a "man-made igneous rock", and an understanding of its structure and chemistry requires the application of many principles of geochemistry.
Portland Cement Clinker consists essentially of four minerals:
  • Alite: approximately tricalcium silicate (typically about 65% of the total)
  • Belite: approximately dicalcium silicate (typically about 15% of the total)
  • Tricalcium Aluminate: Typically about 7% of the total
  • Tetracalcium Aluminoferrite: Typically about 8% of the total

There are also many other non-essential minerals that occur in small quantities. The balance is made up of alkali sulfates and minor impurities. The typical mineral contents shown are subject to wide variation. Clinker consists of various calcium silicates including alite and belite. Tricalcium aluminate andcalcium aluminoferrite are other common components. These components are often generated in situ by heating various clays and limestone. Read more . . .

Portland Pozzolanic Cement

The term Pozzolan is derived from the name of the town Pozzuoli, Italy. It is situated near Mt. Vesuvius and is the place where the Romans more than 2,000 years ago mined the ashes deposited by the occasional eruptions of this volcano. Definition and Use of Pozzolans: A "Pozzolan" is defined as "a siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material, which in itself possesses little or no Cementing property, but will in a finely divided form - and in the presence of moisture - chemically react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperatures to form compounds possessing Cementitious properties."
Benefits of Pozzolans
Pozzolans not only strengthen and seal the concrete, they have many other beneficial features you will realize the moment you purchase them or add them to the mix. All of the below benefits apply to fly ash and rice hull ash, and most of them to silica fume as well.
  • Spherical Shape: Fly Ash (FA) and Rice Hull Ash (RHA) particles are almost totally spherical in shape, allowing them to flow and blend freely in mixtures.
  • Ball Bearing Effect: The "ball-bearing" effect of FA and RHA particles creates a lubricating action when concrete is in its plastic state.
  • Economic Savings: Pozzolans replace higher volumes of the more costly Cement, with typically less cost per volume.
  • Higher Strength: Pozzolans continue to combine with free lime, increasing structural strength over time.
  • Decreased Permeability: Increased density and long-term Pozzolanic action, which ties up free lime, results in fewer bleed channels and decreases permeability.
  • Increased Durability: Dense Pozzolan concrete helps keep aggressive compounds on the surface, where destructive action is lessened. Pozzolan concrete is also more resistant to attack by sulfate, mild acid, soft (lime-hungry) water, and seawater.
  • Reduced Sulfate Attack: Pozzolans tie up free lime that otherwise could combine with sulfate to create destructive expansion.
  • Reduced Shrinkage: The largest contributor to drying shrinkage is water content. The lubricating action of FA and RHA reduces the need for water and therefore also drying shrinkage.
  • Reduced Volume: As Pozzolans can in certain cases substitute for up to four times the mass of Cement, besides making the same amount of concrete harder than without Pozzolans, less voluminous structures are able to bear the same load.
  • Reduced Alkali Silica Reactivity: Pozzolans combine with alkalis from Cement that might otherwise combine with silica from aggregates, which would cause potentially destructive expansion. Read more . . .

Monday, May 11, 2015

Portland Limestone Cement (PKZ)

Portland limestone Cement is mixture of Clinker, limestone and gypsum that mixes and grinds in the mill with other in identified. This Cement was produced for the first time in France in 1979 according to European standard EN 197-1 and follow in other Cement factories in other countries specially Germany, produced mass production of this type Cement. While regular Portland Cement may contain up to 5% limestone, Portland Limestone Cement is manufactured by intergrinding Portland Cement Clinker with between 6% and 15% limestone. The Clinker used to make Portland Limestone Cement is the same Clinker used to manufacture regular Portland Cement. 


The performance of Portland Limestone Cement is dependent on the quality of the limestone. Accordingly, limestone used in Portland Limestone Cement is tested for calcium carbonate content, clay content and total organic carbon content. Portland Limestone Cement performance specifications are similar to those of regular Portland Cement in that it must meet the same physical requirements. 

Energy Savings and Reduced Emissions

The introduction of Portland Limestone Cement to North America represents a proactive step by both the Cement and concrete industries to help mitigate climate change. Manufacturing Portland Limestone Cement results in up to 10% less CO2 emissions as compared to manufacturing regular Portland Cement. Read more . . .

Portland Cement Type III

Type III is a high-early strength Portland Cement that provides high strengths at an early period, usually a week or less. It is used when forms are to be removed as soon as possible, or when the structure must be put into service quickly. In cold weather, its use permits a reduction in the controlled curing period. Although richer mixtures of Type I Cement can be used to gain high early strength, Type III, high-early-strength Portland Cement, may provide it more satisfactorily and more economically. Read more . . . 

Portland Cement Type II

Type II Portland Cement is used where precaution against moderate sulfate attack is important, as in drainage structures where sulfate concentrations in groundwaters are higher than normal but not unusually severe. Type II Cement will usually generate less heat at a slower rate than Type I. With this moderate heat of hydration (an optional requirement), Type II Cement can be used in structures of considerable mass, such as large piers, heavy abutments, and heavy retaining walls. Its use will reduce temperature rise, an important quality when the concrete is placed in warm weather. General purposes are: All kinds of concrete structures, High Buildings, Road pavements, Sidewalk Concretes, Ground Concretes, Buildings made up with slide molds, Bridges, Water Storage, Concrete Pipes, Concrete Brickets, Tunnel Mould Applications and Pretensioning Concretes. Read more . . . 

Portland Cement Type I

Type I is a general purpose Portland Cement suitable for all uses where the special properties of other types are not required. It is used where Cement or concrete is not subject to specific exposures, such as sulfate attack from soil or water, or to an objectionable temperature rise due to heat generated by hydration. Its uses include pavements and sidewalks, reinforced concrete buildings, bridges, railway structures, tanks, reservoirs, culverts, sewers, water pipes and masonry units.

Portland Cement Type 1-525 (M-500)
This national Iran standard Cement in accordance with number 389 ISIRI that has the chemical and physical properties of Cement 1-325 is. The initial pressure resistance but have (2-day) at least 100 kg/cm² and the final resistance (28-day) at least 425 kg/cm² and maximum of 625 kg on square centimeter that the early closure of a hard Cement and concrete structures in all armed and unarmed that need to be more original and final strength, the ability to apply. In typical concrete as expressed in lieu of Cement 1-325, all of the columns, the slab roofs, bridges, structures that need to open a quick format and concreting in cold weather, the application of the Cement is. The Cement for the construction of the concrete structures that need to render and format is a quick, concrete and application in addition to the capability of taking on the ordinary concrete plaCement, special application for the typical bulky concrete in cold weather and that the need to maintain the temperature of concrete more than 5 degrees Celsius, is.
Portland Cement Type 1-425 (M-400)
This national iran standard Cement in accordance with number 389 ISIRI, that has the chemical and physical properties of Cement 325-1 is. The initial pressure resistance but have (2-day) at least 100 kg/cm² and the final resistance (28-day) at least 425 kg/cm² and maximum of 625 kg on square centimeter that the early closure of a hard Cement and concrete structures in all armed and unarmed that need to be more original and final strength, the ability to apply. In typical concrete as expressed in lieu of Cement 1-325, all of the columns, the slab roofs, bridges, structures that need to open a quick format and concreting in cold weather, the application of the Cement is. Read more . . .

About Us

Marjan Mineral Group is a mineral exporting department which has lots of facilities to make trading communications and has been established in 2014. Marjan Mineral Group's activities are divided into five categories:

  • Minerals
  • Cements
  • Oil and Gas Industries
  • Industrial Pigments
  • Gemstones

As you know, Iran has a great potentiality to supply many of necessary minerals for major industries, the best kinds of cements and even gemstones. It is Marjan Mineral Group's honor to provide suitable conditions for exporting Iran's industrial products to all around the world. Read more . . .